UP 2024

Europe Tech Hackathon '24


Unleash your potential at Europe Tech Hackathon '24! We're calling on visionary Creatives, Designers, Businessmen, and Developers to join forces in a quest for sustainability.

Team up to create revolutionary tech solutions that will spearhead Europe's journey towards an eco-friendly tomorrow. Experience a melting pot of workshops, networking opportunities, and a platform to spark your creativity in a contest that champions ecological innovation. Please find the detailed challenges on our website!

Win in total € 5.000 in cash! Learn applying AI with Google Cloud Platform!

Embrace the challenge, whether you're an industry pro or an emerging star, and leave your mark on Europe's technological evolution. Ready, set, innovate!

Agenda I Europe Tech Hackathon

Thursday I Kick-off, Ideation, Team building
6.6. 16.00 Kick-off I Keynote AIT I Challenge introduction I Team Building
6.6. 18.00 to 21.00 Mentoring 

Friday I Full Day Working
7.6. 9.00 Breakfast 
7.6. 10.00 to 14.00 Mentoring from 15+ Mentors 
7.6. 11.00 to 14.00 Lunch
7.6. 13.30 to 18.00 HR Corner (CV check, Job-speeddating, presentations, matchmaking)
7.6. 19.00 Dinner & Party

Saturday I Finalize your Project & Pitch
8.6. 10.00 to 12.00 Pre-Selection of pitching projects
8.6. 13.30 to 15.30 Pitch Session
Jury Gernot Singer (Investor), Michael Kolb (Vorstand Acredia Versicherung), Alexander Penev (CEO Bytesource)
8.6. 16.00 Award Ceremony & Media corner
8.6. 17.00 End & Afterparty at Festivallounge Karlsplatz

06.06.2024 16:00 - 08.06.2024 18:00
ÖBB Open Innovation Factory Lassallestraße 5, 1020 Wien

Hacker = Participant (actively working on a challenge from 6.6. to 8.6.) with a team

Hacker = Participant (actively working on a challenge) WITHOUT a team (no worries, teams will be organized on 6.6.)

Student visitor Friday

Visitor for the Kick-off 6.6. (please just select if you are NOT a participant = hacker)

Visitor for the Pitch Session Saturday 8.6. 13.30 at the venue (please arrive 13.00)
To book a ticket please kindly register or log in here.

Please note that photos and video may be taken during the event for documentation or promotion purposes.